Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nerd Neurons-Music spotlight: Lovex "Slave for the Glory"

NN Music Spotlight LoveX- 'Slave for the Glory'

Out of everything I want to tackle on this blog, music is probably going to be my weakest topic. I'm use to analyzing and discussing T.V shows, comics, movies, etc.. but music isn't something that I typically brake down, or spend a lot of time judging. What I hope to accomplish with these music reviews is to give some exposure to bands that I enjoy that aren't the most popular. So maybe these won't be so much "Music Reviews" as much as 'Music Spot-Lights' seeing as I don't feel qualified, or ready to do music critiques. So here It is my first shot at a music ummmm thingy

Today we will be looking at the 6 piece Finnish Alt/Glam Metal band LOVEX. I was first introduced to Lovex about two years ago and was hooked right away. My first exposure to them was the video for their song "Guardian Angel" which is still one of my favorite songs by them, as well as one of my favorite music videos of all time. It was a song about being there for your loved ones, letting them know just how much you care in their darkest hour, with the corner stone promise of “And if you cry, I'll hold your head up high. I'll be there by your side I will be your guardian angel” and even though the message was kind of sappy the music still had “umpf”, was still hard hitting. As if not only will the writer be there, not only is he truly broken for who he is singing about, but he's ready to do something about it. The video it's self was very interesting visually, sort of steam-punk meets Tim Burton after reading too much Lewis Carroll. Even if you wenren't a fan of the song, the video was still captivating.

The more I listened to them, the more I enjoyed them. They had all the passion and power of Skillet with out being wishy washey on where they stand. (As much as I enjoy and defend Christian music, I'd rather support a secular band than a Christian band that has come to skirt the fence in their new found popularity). Even though they were harder than most of what I listened to they also had a soft side which my acoustic loving, bleeding heart relished- Heartfelt lyrics accompanied by beautiful melodies. Songs of love, longing, pain, melancholy with flashes of hope. Everything you'd expect from a band like this, but done in a way that was unique and far from the boring, overdone whinny style of some of their American counterparts

Their First major studio album "Divine Insanity" released in 2006 and Peaked the Finnish Charts at #4, as well as went gold. Four of the five singles made it on the Charts at 3 and higher (With 'Guardian Angel' going all the way up to #1). Their Second Album 'Pretend Or surrender' dropped in 08 and wasn't as commercially successful, peaking the charts at 12, only having 2 singles even hitting the charts and only one, 'Take a Shot' made it within the top 5.

Now for the Song-

As I said I'm no music critique. Even so I'll try and give more than “You should listen to this because I like, and I like it because it's awesome” (However, that is what it comes down to). 'Slave for the Glory' is the first single off of Lovex' upcoming, 3rd album called 'Watch out'. This is definitely a strong track to start out the band's new era. When I first heard a sample of this song, before it was released in the sates I was blown away. Not only was lovex back, but back with ('Tool Time fans?) MORE POWER! Both sound and lyrics wise this song was more brutal then typical Lovex.

Lyrically there is nothing too genius or ground braking here, but it makes up for it by being catchy with the kind of chorus that will be playing in your head over and over, speaking from experience. I enjoy what this song is about. All though not everyone can relate to the 'Show Biz' shell of the song there is an underlying theme of a former loved one thinking that they are better/ can do better than you. That their life would be something so much more grand without you. That you are the only thing holding them back from their dreams. Finally there pretentiousness becomes to much, and you have to speak up.

As I said, Lyrically and musically this is one of their most bold tracks. Leaving some long time fans scratching their heads and asking “What happened to Lovex”. Part of me wants to reply with “they grew a pair.” however There is more to it than that. This isn't the only time that they have had a heavier song with some what jagged lyrics, It's just never been there strongest type of song. 'Slave for the Glory' just takes something that they have dipped their toes in, and now has swan dove into. Where some yell 'sell out', I say 'growth', and 'evolution'. Now if the entire Album is void of 'The Lovex fans know in love” I may be concerned. However what we got in return it's pretty epic.

The art is also pretty sweet. See Below, or above...or where ever I decide to put the picture

To wrap this up fans of Skillet, Breaking Benjerman, Three days , Hinder or Bullet for my Valentine should definitely check these guys out .Even if you aren't a fan of the aforementioned bands it's still worth the listen. Lovex seems to be at that perfect “Mild” level where guys like me that typically listen to softer stuff can enjoy, and fans of 'The Harder stuff' can also appreciate. They have heart, catchy lyrics, and they just plain rock. What more could you ask for?

You can check it out on Itunes here

Unoffical Youtube Video (yeah it's just a black screen with the song playing over it)

Lovex Official FB page